We have new bloodlines added to our cattery. We are excite to see what they produce. New Sire Dougal Mackenzie is from our co-breeder friend “Annie’s Cattery “ of Bristol TN . Dougal is the son of LucidSphynx Bagherra and Princess Imani Izzi of Cosy Alien Home. Our other new male is Pablo Picasso from Sweet Berry Cattery imported from Russia.
We have three new queens. Gracie Bleu Freebush from our co-breeder friend “Annie’s Cattery” of Bristol TN.
We also have “ Sassenach” of Lucid Sphynx. Parents are Sir Tyrion Lannister and Annie’s Brienne of Tarth.
And last new addition -”Penny” from Merloni Cattery imported from Russia.
We look forward to new additions later this coming year.